Eulithis propulsata (Walker, 1862)
A geometrid moth
NatureServe Global Rank: GNR
Virginia State Rank: S1S3
VA DGIF Tier: None
Federal Legal Status: None
Virginia Legal Status: None
Description: The Barred Yellow Moth is a medium-sized moth with broad, brownish yellow, slightly falcate forewings that are crossed with a series of parallel bent thin brown lines. The space between the antemedian and postmedian lines is slightly darker on the upper half, and contains a number of faint circles and loops. The hindwings are paler yellow.
Similar species: The Chevron Moth (Eulithis testata) is the most similar, but is darker orange, has a darker and more contrasting pattern, and a narrow white border on the postmedian line and apical dash. The Greater Grape-vine Looper (Eulithis gracilineata) is also similar, but is lighter yellow and has the postmedian line dragged out sharply in a single point almost to the outer margin of the forewing.
North American Range: This species ranges from Canada, south in the east to North Carolina, and west to Arizona. In Virginia, it has been documented in Dickenson County.
VA Observations by Locality: No Known Recorded Observations

Flight season and broods: Adults fly from late June through August. This is a single brooded species.
Habitat and Food Plants: The habitat of this moth consists of wooded habitats. The food plant for this moth is Ribes, Populus, Salix, and Vaccinium species.
Behavior and Ecology: Adults are nocturnal and come to light.
Population trend and potential threats: Population trends and potential threats are unknown.
Management practices: Management Practices have not been determined for this species.
References: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta. E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum: Accessed: 04May2012
Moth Photographers Group at the Mississippi Entomological Museum at Mississippi State University. Web application at: Accessed: 04/14/2013
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program, 600 E. Main St., 24th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
This atlas was compiled
by the VA Natural Heritage Program with funds provided by the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries through a state wildlife grant
from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Last Modified: Friday, 26 February 2021, 03:21:56 PM